Friday, November 13, 2009

Cousins make good babysitters

Husband and I went out for a coffee and left little E with his cousin Chrissy. Beautiful, sweet, talented and 21 year old Chrissy. Chrissy is my niece. I remember the day she was born. I was 16. She was adorable and the most gorgeous yet precocious child on the planet. She had this amazing long blond hair and loved to wear dresses. She would fly down the stairs and jump into my arms when I babysat. Her mom used to pay me $20 to watch her. 

Ooops. Was I supposed to pay Chrissy tonite?

When she was about 8 or 9 everything was 'like Aunty". I would take her and her sister Bobbie to plays and she would call and ask me what I was wearing so we could match. She took up competitive swimming (just like Aunty). Precious right?

E is enamored with his Cousin. She walks on water. He thinks she is beautiful and gazes at her with those bashful boy eyes and long eyelashes. 

It has taken me 2 and a half years to have Chrissy come over and put E to bed. Not because we don't trust her but because we don't really do anything. Some people may think that is sad. I don't. We have so little time with E where he is all ours. Right now we don't compete with anyone. We are his one and only.

At some point E will want to hang at other people's houses ... eat their food ... stay overnight at their houses. A year ago if you would have asked me I would have told you that I couldn't wait for that to happen - something about needing a break or time to myself. But lately, I don't feel like I need that time as much. 

My family is my hope. My dreams. My aspiration. My loves. 

But tomorrow night I get to go out with Miss Cori - fab BFF of all time - my soul sista. She is giving me the gift of the 'sleep in' - a rare treat. So while I will love my time with her and assure you, 'me time' is needed, I have come to realize that what I need is the right kind of  'me time' - not just any time. It has to be well spent with the right people doing the things I love. Not just getting out for the sake of getting somewhere. 

Somewhere can be nowhere if you don't want to be there in the first place.