First, I am not putting down coffee shop workers. This is more of an observation that a criticism ... well maybe a slight criticism. YOUR JOB ISN'T HARD. You are not saving babies, you are not fixing the environment, you are not dealing in high finance. You serve coffee. Granted, some orders are complicated and require some brain power but seriously, how hard it is to remember a basic coffee order.
Today at SixBucks I ordered 2 coffees. Those of you with average IQ will follow along with this OK.
ME: "I want one tall dark in a grande cup and 1 tall mild in a grande cup."
Barrista Joe: "that will be $1.75"
ME: "Did you get both coffees?"
Barrista Joe: "You ordered 2 coffees?"
ME: "I want one tall dark in a grande cup and 1 tall mild in a grande cup."
Barrista Joe: "You want 2 more coffees?"
Barrista Joe: "You want 2 more coffees?"
ME: "Are you freaking kidding me. How do you not get what I am saying. Have you had YOUR coffee today. Would it help if I had long flowing auburn hair and was a size 6? What about a low cut top? Would you pay attention then? What about it I flashed my boobs at you?"
Ok - none of this was actually said out loud. But it could have been if I was drunk or even slightly pissed off. But today was a good day so I was feeling relatively neutral toward stupid people.
PS - Jens just told me a Pteranodon is actually a reptile not a dinosaur just in case you were wondering.
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