Monday, November 9, 2009

Appropriate Behaviour (behavior if you are American)

E goes to daycare. A lovely home decor run by a lovely woman in a lovely home in a lovely neighborhood. There is a not so lovely woman who also lives in the lovely home who clearly has had an unlovely life.

When I pick up my son I like to park in the driveway so I don't have to take a toddler across the street to get into the car. This is also helpful when it is raining.

Today, and a few times in the past, this woman has confronted me by saying "you are  blocking me in AGAIN." She then said "if SHE wants to stay in the house and chat, then SHE should park on the street.

First, I am am not SHE. I have a name.

Second, I was not chatting. If anyone has tried to get a toddler out of anywhere there are a few steps. First, get lunchbox. Then collect shoes. Put on shoes. Then find coat. Put on coat. Finally, praise child for peeing on the potty at daycare. A big accomplishment.

Today this confrontation escalated into me saying some very not lovely things. In front of my son who then proceeded to cry and scream. Thanks lady.

Here is how I see things. If you live in a house that has daycare, and daycare pick up is between 4:30 and 5:30, why do you find it amazing that people might be parking in your driveway?

I am not going to make the situation difficult on the lovely daycare lady. We love daycare lady. E loves daycare lady.

My issue with this situation is how I was talked to. I don't like rude people. I don't like unhappy people. I especially don't like it when unhappy people put their rude attitude all over me and my child.

So - from now on I will park on the street. Unhappy, rude, unlovely lady better not speak to me again. My evil, side, known as NINA to many, would have a hard time not letting loose on this woman. But for the sake of my son, whom I need to show the right and wrong ways of the world, I will be polite, as I can be.

So now I am going to cook dinner and try to relax. Thanks lady for the perfect ending to what started off as a pretty good day.